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1Click DVD Copy

1Click DVD Copy

1CLICK DVD COPY™ 5 is fast and easy-to-use software for copying DVD movies. This latest version now utilizes CPRx™ error correction technology to ensure the highest level of success copying the latest generation of DVD movies.Now you can make a perfect copy of a DVD movie with just...


Mathias Gerlach Info

Company: Mathias Gerlach

Country: Germany
State: Hessen
City: Wettenberg
Zip code: 35435
Ahornweg 19

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Author's Software

  • BackToZIP Icon BackToZIP - Easy-to-use BackUp Tool for manual or automated backups (ZIP Compatible). BackToZip also allows for archive distribution across multiple media, splitting into individual files, creating self-extracting archives and provides password protection.
  • DirPrinter Icon DirPrinter - In DOS it was very easy to print the content of a directory. But unfortunately there is no such function in Windows. In Windows you can use DirPrinter to print the content of a directory and the directory structure in a comfortable way.
  • OnlineAnalyzer Icon OnlineAnalyzer - Auswertung von Onlinekosten in Verbindung mit dem Geb?hrenz?hler OnlineTimer Pro
  • OnlineMonitor Icon OnlineMonitor - OnlineMonitor is used to visualize and control the speed of internet connections. It displays the current download- and upload-speed graphically and/or numerically. It also logs the transfered amount of data for the connections.
  • OnlineTimer Pro Icon OnlineTimer Pro - Der bekannte und beliebte Online-Geb?hrenz?hler zur ?berwachung von Onlinekosten
  • Synchronizer Icon Synchronizer - Comparing and synchronizing directories, including sub-directories and files. It is particularly useful on mobile computers, when installing new software and exchanging data.

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